Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Life’s a Bitch Arlen…

This blog is swiftly becoming the Anti-Arlen site, but this statement from his office really pissed me off.  See, today the Senate voted to strip Specter of his seniority on the various committees he’s on.  Specter responded by whining about his deal with Reid:

“Senator Reid assured me that I would keep my committee assignments and that I would have the same seniority as if I had been elected as a Democrat in 1980. It was understood that the issue of subcommittee chairmanships would not be decided until after the 2010 election. Some members of the caucus have raised concerns about my seniority, so the caucus will vote on my seniority at the same time subcommittee chairmanships are confirmed after the 2010 election. I am confident my seniority will be maintained under the arrangement I worked out with Senator Reid. I am eager to continue my work with my colleagues on the various committees on which I serve and will continue to be a staunch and effective advocate for Pennsylvania’s and the Nation’s priorities.”

Here’s my problem: Specter is acting like a complete ingrate and like the Democrats owe him something.  The only reason this guy’s a Democrat is to save his political life.  The PA GOP wants him out; the only way for him to stay in the Senate is as a Democrat.  Knowing this, why is Reid bending over backwards to please this guy?  He has  no leverage.  He should be bending over backwards to please his new party, not the other way around.

I cannot wait to vote against whoever is running against him in the 2010 Primary.


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